LITR 4332: American Minority Literature

Student Poetry Presentation 2005

Lamont B. Steptoe, "Election Time" UA 250

Reader: Adrian Holden

Respondent: Jennifer Humphrey

Lamont Steptoe is a poet, photographer, journalist, and activist based in Philadelphia, PA.  Critics laud his “sharpshooter’s attention to detail to what matters” and refer to his pen as “a scalpel in the hand of a poet bent on precision.” He has published many books, poems, and other works, his most popular being Mad Minute, In the Kitchens of Masters, and Catfish and Neckbone Jazz.  His most recent collection of poems, A Long Movie of Shadows, was just awarded a 2005 American Book Award.  As a Combat Army Sergeant in Vietnam, he was awarded the Bronze Star.

Interview with Steptoe

“Election Time”  

questions for discussion

Some of the things I like best about this poem are its rhythm and continuity.  Which words/phrases stand out to you the most while reflecting this continuity?? 


What types of emotions are stirred up by listening to and reading this poem??


Do you think that the purveying emotion is one of hopelessness – or maybe the author is calling for a change??


Considering recent elections, do you feel that the relevancy of this poem has changed??  Why or why not??