Glossary to some Spanish terms in Bless Me, Ultima

 (This list doesn't pretend to completeness. Students are welcome to send additions to

A somewhat more complete glossary may be found at


2 "Esta sola," my father said, "ya no queda gente en el pueblito de Las Pasturas--"

 . . . "Que lastima"

7 atole

15 farol oil lamp, flame, wick?

31 Ya las campanas de la iglesia estan doblando Now the bells of the church are “folding” (“echoing”?)

33 Es una mujer que no ha pecado She is a woman who has not sinned

35 Arrimense vivos y difuntos Come forth, living and dead ones

Aqui estamos todos juntos Here we are all together

39 la yerba del manso the herb of the humble

54 suerte luck

206 A la chingada . . . voy a tirar tripas To the whore . . . I am going to throw intestines

244 pesadilla nightmare