LITR 4232 American Renaissance: Syllabus

Presentation Assignment: Text-Objective Reader / Discussion Leader

Text-objective discussion

These requirements may go in any order:

  • Identify the idea, theme, problem, or issue you want to discuss from the reading assignment.

  • Relate your subject to a course objective.

  • Direct class (page or line numbers) to 1-2 brief passages and read selections, briefly commenting on application to opening theme, idea, or objective.

  • Ask a question to begin discussion. The question should follow from your reading, but it may also appeal more broadly to the challenges that the text may present to the class. It may also refer to other class readings. More than 1 question is advisable.

  • Lead discussion.

  • Web posting may be bullet points with essential information, or paragraphs if preferred.


Timing: 5-10 minutes for the presentation itself, though discussion may run longer. If the presentation part goes beyond 10 minutes, you will be asked to "wrap up" and start discussion. In general, students are ready to discuss fairly quickly after the reading, so don't lose that opportunity.


Sample reading presentations from Model Assignments

2006 reading presentations

2004 reading presentations