LITR 4232 American Renaissance: Syllabus

Attendance Requirement + other course policies

Attendance policy: You are expected to attend every scheduled class meeting.

  • One free cut is permitted for once-a-week class meetings.

  • Two free cuts are permitted for twice-a-week meetings.

  • Exceeding these permitted absences jeopardizes your status in the course.

  • You are always welcome to discuss your standing in the course.

  • Missing classes early in the session is often a sign of larger difficulties: under these circumstances, consider dropping the course.

  • Missing the first class, even if you are not enrolled at that time, counts as your free cut.

  • Partial absences also count negatively.

  • Even with medical or other emergency excuses, an excessive number of absences (full or partial) results in a lower or failing grade.

Academic Honesty Policy: Please refer to the UHCL Catalog for the Academic Honesty Policy. 

Plagiarism—that is, using research without citations or copying someone else’s work as your own—will result in a grade penalty or failure of the course. Refer to the UHCL catalogue for further details regarding expectations and potential penalties.

Make-up exam policy: Ask way in advance for times before the regular exam.  Professor has the right to refuse accommodations requested on short notice.

Disabilities: If you have a disability and need a special accommodation, consult first with the Health Center and then discuss the accommodation with me.

Incompletes: A grade of "I" is given only in cases of documented emergency late in the semester.  An Incomplete Grade Contract must be completed.