LITR 4328 American Renaissance

Reading Assignment

Discussion Leader Presentation

antebellum "Great Star" flag

PowerPoint presentations (and other such programs) are discouraged. If you prefer to use PowerPoint (etc.), use only for materials not available on course website (e.g., for your own questions or summaries of your answers).

Do not copy and paste materials from course website into PowerPoint.

Go directly to course website for materials (e.g., text passages, instructor's discussion questions, objectives, etc.).

You may always bring handouts on paper or aids on a thumb drive for projection, or email ahead for posting to course website,

Student location: Student may work up-front or remain seated; instructor can help with computer-projector.

Length: 8-12 minutes for presentation; Discussion may continue indefinitely.

Responsibility: You're not responsible for the day's entire reading assignment. You may choose one or two texts from day's assignments, or focus on part of one text.


Format & required parts to presentation: (order of these parts may change)

Open presentation by inviting students to raise questions, issues, or overall observations regarding reading assignment. (Questions may be addressed to instructor as well as discussion leader.)

      Student input may lead to separate discussion or may connect to what presenter intended to discuss anyway.

Identify idea, theme, issue, course objective or term your presentation will highlight from reading assignment, and preview discussion questions.

Direct seminar to to 1-2 brief passages in day's texts (locate by paragraph numbers on web-screen).

      Read selections aloud, commenting on application to your opening theme, term, objective, or discussion question(s).

Ask question or questions to begin discussion. The question should follow from your reading but may also appeal more broadly to challenges the text may present. You may also refer to other class readings.

      At some point, presenter must ask at least one of the instructor's Discussion Questions..

Lead discussion. Ask follow-up questions, or restate original question. Sometimes it's good to start with several questions at once. (If you don't know answers, ask for help from students or instructor.)