Click on links below for outstanding or interesting student essay answers 1. Why do “desire and loss” re-appear so frequently in American Romantic texts . . . ? Christine Ford, Exploring Desire and Loss Across Time, Gender, and Race 2. How has American Romanticism continued or changed in post-Romantic American literature? Kristin Hamon, Residual Effects of Romanticism: Understanding the Rhetoric of the “Common Man” 3. How is the European literary movement of Romanticism transformed by multi-racial America? Kathryn Hebert, Romantic Narratives in a Diverse America 4. Review and evaluate varieties of the Gothic encountered this semester. Ron Burton, The Gothic Other (Single-Essay Option) 6. How did this course influence or reflect your experience as a student and / or teacher of American Romanticism? Kristin Hamon, Understanding Romanticism: The Long and Winding Road Ayme Christian, Rags to Riches: My Personal Journey of Transcendence from romance to Romanticism Cory Owen, Horizons Expanded: What I Learned 8. One-essay option: Instead of two essays, write one long essay (at least a dozen paragraphs) reviewing and unifying your learning experience and outcomes for American Romanticism. (A few one-essays are scattered to other questions, but here are three unique topics.) Donny Wankan, Columbus to Whitman: Romantic Trends in American History Bundy Fowler-Bowers, Desire and Loss: The Precursors of the Sublime and the Transcendental