LITR 4232: |
Thursday, 19 January: Washington Irving, “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” (handouts)
Web-highlighter: Melissa S. Jones
Tuesday, 31 January: Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans, through chapter twenty-four (through p. 254 in Penguin Classics edition.)
Web-highlighter: Amy Breazeale (midterms on Mohicans)
Thursday, 2 February: Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans, (complete, through p. 350 in Penguin Classics edition.)
Web-highlighter: Sarah Hardwick (midterms on Mohicans)
Tuesday, 28 February: Harriet Beecher Stowe. Read introduction + selections from Uncle Tom’s Cabin; Chapter I: In Which the Reader is Introduced to a Man of Humanity; Ch. VII: The Mother’s Struggle; Ch. XL: The Martyr)
Web-highlighter: Amanda Matt (any LITR 4232 midterms)
Thursday, 30 March: Melville, Billy Budd (complete)
Web-highlighter: Tallia Ortiz (final exams on Billy Budd)
Tuesday, 18 April: Emily Dickinson, introduction + 4 poems
Web-highlighter: Elena Trevino