LITR 4232 American
Renaissance Click on links below for outstanding or interesting student essay answers Essay Question 1. Characteristics, variations and meaning of the Gothic Essay question 2. Moral Complexity in American Renaissance Literature Essay question 3. Compare, contrast Whitman's and Dickinson's unique styles and subjects Essay question 4. Classic, popular, and representative authors and literature Essay question 5. Develop a relevant essay topic of your own. Essay
question 6. . . . how this course
influenced or reflected your experience as a student and / or teacher of
American Romanticism, American Literature,
Romanticism, the American Renaissance, etc.
question 7. Redevelop your midterm
essay to include two writers since the midterm . . . Essay question 8. Define and describe a term from the course, the source of your interest, and two or three texts that develop the term or its associated concepts Essay question 9. . . . essay on an author--why the author matters, examination of representative texts, description of subjects and style, etc. |