LITR 4328:
American Renaissance

Final Exam Essays 2015

Sample answers for
B: poetry & styles of Poe, Whitman, and Dickinson



Nathan Mesloh

Comparing the Three Major Poets


     The following essay is to compare the poetry styles between three of the greatest poets of the American Renaissance who are Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson. These three poets made such a major impact on the literary world with their works, and are each unique in their styles. To begin this essay, the three poems given to analyze are each lyric poems. A lyric poem is one which are very close to song in nature, and focus on sensory beauty, specifically sound. They also focus on imagery of descriptions, impulsiveness to focus on the moment, and intensity of the words.


     The first poem given is The City in the Sea by Poe. The first few lines in itself give itself away as a poem by Poe, as it is describing a gothic surrounding. It tells of Death securing a throne in “a strange city lying alone far down within the dim West.” As is fairly standard for Poe, his settings tend to be gothic as a european style according to his style sheet. This is especially shown in line 1.7 which tells of time eaten towers, which fits with the european gothic style regarding old decaying structures. This poem is also easily recognizable as Poe as it is a formal verse poem, which Poe was frequently writing in. The poem could be considered a lyrical poem from it’s sensory beauty in lines 2.6-8 where Poe repeats the word “up” several times, in regards to the rise of large and important structures such as kingly halls and babylon like walls. In addition to this, it also has the needed imagery in the last section describing the sinking towers into the water. This is something fairly easy to imagine and something that would be breathtaking to see.


     The second poem is When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer by Walt Whitman. This poem has some characteristics of Whitman in that according to his style sheet Whitman tends to shift relations between soul and nature, and the individual and the masses. In just 8 lines, Whitman manages to do both of these. He shifts relation from individual and the masses in lines 4 through 6 where he tells of leaving the classroom and being sick of being in there when the rest of the audience is cheering and applauding the lecture. He also shifts between soul and nature in lines 6 through 8 where he changes focus of the narrator to the stars up in the sky. It is also an apparent Whitman poem as it is a free verse poem where there are no rhymes or metered verses. Further more this poem meets the requirements of a lyric poem through it’s use of imagery and impulsiveness. It has the imagery through the classroom with the figures, columns, charts, and diagrams. It also has imagery in the last lines and makes it easy to visualize a clear night sky. The impulsiveness comes from taking advantage of the moment of leaving the classroom to instead go out and be one with nature and look on the night sky.


     The third poem is [I heard a Fly Buzz when I Died] by Emily Dickinson. This poem only takes a moments glance to realize it is a Dickinson poem from the use of her dashes for unapparent reasons, and capitalization at points that normally would not be capitalized, as told by Dickinson’s style sheet. In addition to this, her style is a mixture of free verse and formal verse, where she has four measured stanzas but not much rhyming if any. This poem fits as a lyric poem from it’s use of imagery, and impulsiveness. The imagery comes in from the laying in a room dying and the only sense you have is the sound of a fly buzzing. The impulsiveness is that a moment such as that only lingers for a moment, and then it is completely gone.


     These three poets all have their comparisons of their similarities and differences in several things. For instance Poe has an extremely formal way of writing with measured verses, each of them rhyming in a standard pattern. In contrast, Dickinson has a mixed style between free and formal verse. Normally Dickinson does not go out of her way to make sure her poems rhyme, but if it is convenient she will put it in. In addition she tends to make her poems into four verse stanzas. And then there’s Whitman. Whitman is the American author who revolutionized the free verse style of poetry writing where he simply writes what comes to him, and does not focus on rhyming. In addition to this the settings also tend to differ between Poe and the others, but Dickinson and Whitman have some similarities. While Poe tends to make his settings in a gothic setting in foreign lands. Whitman and Dickinson however tend to make theirs in more domestic or urban settings which are more common to readers. Furthermore while searching for more similarities, April Bucy pointed out in her 2012 final that the two poets show a mutual interest in the combination of human life and nature, and also the presence of mystical or sexual transcendence.


     These three poets have used each of their styles and talents to leave their mark on the literature world. Poe uses his formal verse and gothic settings to take on a darker setting and explore death and how it affects people. Whitman uses free verse to be able to express his thoughts as they come to him without having the constraints of making sure they fit a certain format. And then Dickinson uses a combination of both formal and free verse to create her own unique style. With these strengths these three poets managed to make their mark and become icons of the American Renaissance.

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