LITR 4231 Early American Literature 2012
Student Midterm Samples

2. Short essay (4-6 paragraphs) on 1 of 2 options (or combinations as inspired) :

  • Highlight and analyze a passage from our course readings--your best textual experience  in comprehending course contents (terms, themes, objectives, class discussion)

  • Favorite term, objective, concept in course + explanation & application to 1-2 readings

Rochelle LaTouche

Native Americans: An Old Story


             "And then more recently,

                          we had some people

                          who dressed up as Indians

                          to make it more authentic,

            30          you understand, real people."

                          "Yes," I said.

                          "Well," she said,

                          "that didn't seem right,

                          but we had a problem.

             35         There was a lack of Indians."

                          "Yes," I said.

                          "This year, we wanted to do it right.

                          We have looked hard and high

                          for Indians but there didn't seem

             40         to be any in this part of Colorado."

                          "Yes," I said.

                          "We want to make it real, you understand,

                          put a real Indian on a float,

                          not just a paper mache dummy

            45          or an Anglo dressed as an Indian

                          but a real Indian with feathers and paint.

                          Maybe even a medicine man."

                          "Yes," I said.

I chose a passage from Simon J. Ortiz’s poem “A New Story” because it really opened my eyes to how misinformed I have been about the Native Americans my entire life. In my school days, the most we learned about Native Americans was the idealized version of Thanksgiving and about the Native Americans’ part in a few wars. After reading this poem, La Relacion, and parts of A General History of Virginia, my perception of the early European colonists and the Native Americans was significantly altered. In this poem, Ortiz displays the attitude of a recent Native American and the common misconceptions Americans have about his culture.

In the first sentence of this selection, a white woman is explaining that for the Frontier parade in her home town, she used to have white people dress up as Native Americans to make the parade “more authentic.” She said it made the Native Americans appear like “real people.” This is the first offensive comment she makes about the Native Americans because she is alienating them. All people are real people despite their ethnicity. To this comment, the Native American narrator only says, “Yes.” At this point, it is not clear if the narrator is frustrated or is encouraging her to go on, but it is likely the first because he does not elaborate.

Then, the woman in the poem continues to speak with the narrator and states that she is having trouble finding Native Americans around where she is at. Well, the reason there is not any Native Americans around “this part of Colorado” is due to the Europeans killing them off. Now, there is a descendant of a European asking for a Native American’s assistance in a Frontier Day parade. It is a bit ironic and twisted. Again, to this comment the narrator says, “Yes.” It is becoming more evident that the narrator is not very amused by her and probably is getting offended.

In the third piece of this selection, the woman continues to justify her wanting a real Native American in the parade. She claims she wants to make is as authentic as possible by having a “real Indian with feathers and paint.” That whole comment is a stereotype. From what I learned in my Early American Literature class, the Sioux Indian is the main tribe who wore the headdresses with feathers and had face paint. Other than that, not many of the tribes did. Once more, the narrator replies “Yes.” After a while, the narrator’s short responses make the woman look even more ignorant. Instead of him defending his culture, he just lets the woman continue to display her misconceptions about Native Americans. It gives the poem a bit of a humorous and sarcastic tone.

After reading this poem, I came to the realization that Americans have not necessarily been taught “the right” America. They have been taught pieces, but the fact that Native Americans are hardly mentioned in textbooks, and if they are, then it is vapidly and without depth, proves that American needs to reassess which America to teach. They say America is a melting pot and that is what makes us so different from other countries. Well, part of being a melting pot is teaching the cultures that assimilated into this country. The Native Americans were here before any other culture; they should have as much, if not more, recognition than any other group.