LITR 4231
Early American Literature

Final Exam Essays 2014

Sample answers for
Essay 2a: What is Literature?



Danielle Meza

Essay 2a: The Adaptation of Literature Throughout the Ages

             Many people consider literature to be restricted to stories of fiction where a character attempts to achieve some sort of goal while overcoming some type of adversity.  However, this has not always been the case.  The concept of literature has evolved over many eras from oral traditions to written documents.  It is important to examine the nature of the changes literature has undergone through the ages.  This class covered the transformation of literature from the Renaissance era to the Romantic era.

            During the Renaissance era, the focus of exploration is a common element of Renaissance literature.  The Two Letters from Columbus, which we read in class, are a great example of the exploratory nature of the European culture.  Columbus depicts the land he discovered, Hispaniola, and people as beautifully rich land with generous people.  His accounts of his travels demonstrate historicism through the elucidation concerning the condition of the environment during that time.  Although the letters do not read as a novel, they are important in understanding the circumstances that led to the origin of country.  Additionally, these letters also contain elements of the Romantic spirit which is conveyed through Columbus’ romanticizing of the land and culture of the native people.  These letters are a prime example of the reoccurring themes of historicism and exploratory nature throughout literature.

            The Baroque style takes place during the conflicting restructuring of the Protestant and Catholic Reformation.  One of Anne Bradford’s poems, In Reference to her Children contains a Baroque style which uses elements of extended metaphor in order to express her love and affection toward her family.  The distinguishing aspect of her poems is that they are easily relatable, even in modern era.  Her wording, while simple, creates beautiful imagery for the reader’s enjoyment.  Bradford is easily able to convey her emotions through her expressive language.  Though she uses metaphor in her poem, her meaning is not easily lost.  The Baroque style of her poem provides her poem with a memorable quality.

            As the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation ends the era transforms from the Baroque style into the Enlightenment era.  Many of the historical documents like the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence arise from the Enlightenment era.  These documents are not what most people consider as “literature”.  However, these documents structure the ideology of the future generation of America.  These documents, while not what many people would read for fun, are instrumental in understanding the emergence of what we now consider modern institutions and principles.  Instead of emotions and feeling, the Enlightenment era focuses on the economical and pragmatic ideologies as the foundation for society.

            The Romantic era is the time period which most people recognize the writing as literature.  During this era, more documents focus on conflicts and situations that the reader can more easily relate to.  Unlike the Enlightenment era, these documents also use less sophisticated language which allows the reader to understand more easily.  Edgar Huntly, the novel by Charles Brockden Brown is an example of a Romantic novel.  While this novel does contain the growing relationship between Mrs. Lorimer and Sarsefield, it is not overly romantic is the sense of love between a couple.  Instead, this novel focuses more on its gothic tone which emphasizes on fantasy rather than realism.  During the novel, many scenes take place at night or in dark settings.  Edgar embraces the unrefined and isolated nature of the wilderness.  The Native Americans also strike fear within Edgar as he views them as savages whom he considers a threat based on their involvement in the death of his parents.  Additionally, the revelation of Clithero’s secrets creates intrigue and exposes the misdeeds of others.  The exposure of these secrets also causes Edgar to experience sympathy, horror, and regret often at the same time.  These factors contribute to the Romantic spirit of book.

            While the characteristics which define these eras differ from one another, they all contain elements which we can recognize in our modern literature.  Each generation of writers influences the next.  By focusing on the different characteristics of literature during multiple eras, it is easier to recognize the patters which many writers fall into.  While some may not enjoy the development of literature during all four of the mention eras, these progressions provide their own unique impression that distinguishes their generation and shapes the later generations to come.