LITR 3731 Creative Writing Responding to Webpage Drama started on the 11th and I was trying my hardest to learn how to go about writing a drama. The examples from the webpage were actual classroom scenes, but well written. I used a lot of the examples to get and idea of layout and expectations. I especially thought the plays were interesting knowing some of the people in the class personally. I realized how much people perceive one particular idea about someone and didn’t stretch anymore than that; at least not in a single scene play. Besides the drama’s that my fellow classmates have submitted to be read in class there is not much more to the webpage other than business. Communicating with online student I am still getting communication from students in class. However like everything else, I am trying to get caught up on responding back to them. The reports from the students have especially helped this week to get me back in track and in line of what I should be working on. My Work in Progress I have been working more and more on my drama over the last few weeks. I emailed it out Friday and have gotten many responses and critiques back from my fellow classmates. Since I was not actually in the classroom, you allowed me to write about my own experiences in my classroom/home. The problems I began running across with ideas are that most of my day is spent alone with only the baby around. And well needless to say, he doesn’t talk much to get any kind of ideas from. I found myself writing dialogue with myself. I really had to work to get actual people into my drama. This copy of my drama is revised from the critiques. Distractions Characters: Audra: Mother/ Online Student Michael: Father William: New baby Concept Sentence: A first time mother attempts to finish school online, through all the distractions of working from home and a new family. Audra: (At home on the computer, talking to herself) Ok, now he is finally asleep! Let’s see if I can get this paper finished, now where was I? Oh yeah, “The literary aspects in Pride and Prejudice are comic because...” (In the back ground a baby begins to fuss)Please go back to sleep, please go back to sleep, please go back to sleep. I have to finish this paper by Monday. (Halfway relieved) He is obviously not going back to sleep. (Sarcastically)Well at least I almost got one sentence finished. A few minutes later
the baby is back asleep, Audra is just sitting back down to the computer, and
the phone begins to ring. Audra: (To herself and getting frustrated) Ah, I’m never going to get this paper written. I wish I knew how to turn the stupid ringer off, but no we had to get the most high tech phones available. Heaven forbid you just pick it up and talk into it. (Answering the phone) Hello? … (Still frustrated) No mom, I haven’t made the reservations for graduation yet. … I know I need to get it done, but I have other things to do also… Yes, I will email you as soon as I have it done. Listen I have to go, William is finally asleep and if I don’t finish this paper you may not have to worry about graduation plans… Ok, bye. (To herself)Now back to this paper. Ok, it’s 4:45. I have about 30 minutes to work on this paper before Michael gets home from work. (Pause) Oh Crap! I haven’t set anything out to thaw for dinner. Hmmm, maybe we can just order pizza, yeah that sounds good. Oh quit worrying about dinner, Focus Audra, Focus. (The door bell rings.) Audra: (throwing her hands up) You have got to be kidding me. (Answering the door) Hey, what are you doing home so early, and why are you ringing the door bell? Michael: (pulling Audra close) Hi, Sweetheart! Well, my boss let me off work early today to bring you a surprise and I forgot my key. Audra: (forgetting about her paper) Well I am surprised. Michael: (slyly) Me being home early is not the only surprise. Audra: More? What is it? Michael: Well, just go and get ready. We are going to Dallas. Audra: To Dallas? (Suddenly remembering her paper) What? I can’t go to Dallas I have a paper due on Monday, and everything in the world has distracted me today. I have too much to do. I’m so sorry. Michael: Well, don’t you at least want to know why we are going to Dallas. Audra: You know I do. Michael: My boss surprised all of the sales men with tickets to go see a Texas Rangers game. Audra: (eyes lighting up) Baseball tickets! Michael: (Proudly) Yep, and good ones too. We will be sitting right behind the Ranger’s dugout. Now go get ready, we have to leave soon if we are going to make it in time for the game. I know you want to go. Audra: Of
course I do! (Pause) I guess I could
take a break for the night, but tomorrow it is all business. Michael: Deal! Now go get ready. The next afternoon;
Audra is working on the computer. Michael is trying to get William down for a
nap, while he begins to fuss louder and louder. Michael: (rocking the baby and humming) Shhhh. (the baby cries louder, and Michael frustrated) Honey, I think William is hungry. You’ll have to come feed him. Audra: Michael, I just fed him an hour ago, plus I’m trying to work on my paper. Try rocking him. Michael: You know he hates it when I rock him. Audra: (Going to get the baby) Well William does hate it when you rock him. Michael: (handing the baby to Audra) How much more do you lack on your paper? Audra: Let’s just say I’m not close to being finished. Michael: What does that mean? Audra: (getting teary eyed with frustration) It means I’m going to be up all night. I just can’t seem to concentrate. And now that the deadline is getting so close I am beginning to stress and that is making it even harder to concentrate! Michael: (wiping a tear from Audra’s face) Calm down honey. It is ok you can get this done. What can I do to help? Audra: (calming down) I don’t know. I have been staring at that computer screen for at least 20 minutes and just can’t seem to think of anything to say. Michael: Maybe you just need it a little quieter around here so you can concentrate better. Why don’t William and I go out for a while so you can work? Audra: (Ignoring Michael) Hey, I have an idea. We have all been cooped up inside this afternoon, why don’t we go for a walk at the park. Michael: You need to work on your paper. Audra: Well, Maybe it will calm William down and I could use the time to clear my mind so I can really work hard when we get home. Michael: (unconvinced) Are you sure you have time for that? Audra: Well, sure I do. I’ll finish the paper tonight. (The three walk out) Theme: Procrastination and good intentions don’t get things done.