LITR 3731 Creative Writing Report for week of February 28 Dr. White, This is my report for the class week of February 28th. I got your response from my poetry report, thank you for the speedy return. I always like to see what you think. Responding to Webpage Good start on Micah’s part. I am curious to know how the student came up with the idea for the story and the process that got them started. I will email and ask this question. I’m not sure what to say about the readings, but I’m sure there will be more after the analysis chapters next week. . I am also curious how you are doing the work shopping. Is it everyone exchanging drafts or just work shopping the submission of the work placed on the webpage? I am curious to know what others had to say about the submissions, if you could mention this to those that are in communication with me each week. Communicating with online student Jennifer Jones was the communicator for this week and she did a phenomenal job. She was able to give me quite and insight as to what Christina H. had to say in the presentation and discussion given to the class. We also talked about our dreams and hopes of future writings we have, and realize there are several more serious writers in the class than myself. I told her I did not wish to be published, but that I enjoy writing and with I had more time to do it. She shared that she did hope to be published one day, I believe in fiction writings. She was very informative and helped out a lot with the lack of experience I have with writing. My Work in Progress I am just starting to get my thoughts down on paper. And they seem to be more of a random pattern than a storyline, but they will come together soon. I am looking to my own family and my husband’s family to fuse together characteristics of people and continue the story line with a lesson to be learned Thank you, Audra Caldwell