Mary K. Clements May 7, 2005 Journal Portfolio Introduction In the following journal portfolio I have placed three of the greatest accomplishments I have ever attempted in my educational years. I have first a poem I wrote without having any type of boundaries. I wrote Living with a Hero for my first ever poem submission. Then I wrote a Fiction titled Party’s over and finally for the Drama I wrote a play called Making Waves. These three different types of writing were very difficult at first, but after I had gotten through with the poetry aspect of things I was much more comfortable with what was to be expected. I felt as if I was going to become an English Literature teacher for high school students I needed to be aware of other ways to allow students to express what they needed to say in other ways. I used the book Three Genres to assist in getting a better understanding of what was going to be required for each of the writing assignments. This was an excellent book with many suggestions which did assist me in completing the assignments. The book offered many ideas about poetry and how to utilize the line as the primary unit rather than a sentence, use heightened images, pay closer attention to the sound of words, develop a rhythm, and create density by implying far more than what is stated. There were ideas about free verse (my favorite), enjambment, run-on lines, meter, imagery, just to name a few. The reading of the book before presenting my poem allowed me to get a much better understanding of just what poetry meant not to the other students, but to myself. I read the chapters about poetry and they helped a lot before writing. I felt almost lost when trying to figure out what I was going to write about, but after reading how the poem needs to be your won and to take control of it had great comfort to me. The Fiction I wrote was called Party’s Over. After reading the chapters in the book and seeing how most of the fiction writers had made their stories by taking things around them and added some of their own life to the formula was very interesting. I could not believe how believable some of the stories were. They were so related to places and ideas I had experienced before and allowed me if not for one brief moment to reflect back on the times of happiness and childhood or even adulthood and placed a smile on my face. I enjoyed the fact the stories were something everyone could relate to in their own sense and very easy to read. No story from the different authors’ was the same. The chapters reminded me about some of the subject ideas I had and then figured I needed to change them because they were not to be like any type of soap opera seen on television, any type of typical police drama, a good episode of CSI, or anything which could be related back to someone who had come up with the idea first. The book offered instruction about factual writing, creative writing, creative or literary non-fiction, plot, characters, clichés’. If I had not read any of these chapters, then I would have put myself into the same old boiling pot with every other writer in town. The stories in the book gave me insight to what I needed to do to complete my own fiction. It was a difficult process, but finally came together in the end. The final part of the whole class was the drama play. By the time I had reached this assignment I felt safer and calmer about writing. It was in a way as if the poetry and the fiction came together to create my final piece of the puzzle. In the book it was explained to avoid using melodrama, how to use the antagonist and the protagonist, Triangulate conflicts, inner conflicts and how to reveal them, distortion of time, distortion of characters, dreamscape settings and the biggest of all making the choices for the entire play, setting, monologues, characters and how to bring them all together in the end to make sense or even having the audience wanting more. In this portfolio I will allow each and everyone to see the rough draft of the beginner and possibly a person, a student who has walked away with a greater appreciation for their own abilities and the creativity of not being afraid, but being much more aggressive and much more involved. I felt as if the draft exchange was a great asset for anyone. I thought this was a wonderful idea because it allowed others to see what you did not present and to actually have time to think about the words on the paper and give more thoughts and ideas on how to better improve the paper. Draft &
Exchange I have to say I really tried to open up the draft and exchange to people in my class, but I guess in a way I just stayed with who I knew the best or got to know pretty well from class. I usually sent my papers to either Karen or Jennifer, and then I began getting to know Andrea and sent her my papers. I felt as if I had sent the writings to them I could take the criticism much easier than the rest of the class. I felt safe and protected. Do not misconstrued thinking they went easer on me, far from the truth. They were all blunt honest and very giving with any type of comments they had to give. I respected their ideas and thoughts. I sent my copy of fiction to Karen and Jennifer and even had my husband Ross read and help to make corrections or changes. Here is what they had to say: Karen: I really like your overall storyline. It was humorous and serious at the same time, and it had me really laughing. I have edited some of the grammar and other things and I will give it to you in person than trying to highlight corrections and then e-mail them. A few suggestions though. Read over your paper and try to eliminate some of the “very”s, “just”s, “really’s”, and especially the “then’s. You don’t need them and they sound repetitious. Spell out any numbers under ten, at least, maybe higher, I cannot remember. Read it out loud, slowly, and pay attention to the order of words or phrases in some of your sentences. You could make it much more readable just by reversing the order, cutting and pasting. Be careful of your tense agreement. You are mostly in past tense but switch to present sometimes. About page three you stop indenting paragraphs. You don’t have to, but change the beginning. There are a few run-ons you should find as you read aloud. And finally, as you think I am tearing your paper apart, you are missing a lot of questions marks. Once again as you read out loud, I think you will find them and either rephrase them as statements or change the punctuation. The only problem I had was the ending. What was the Problem? Jennifer: Ok, I really liked your story! I could feel anxiety and there were some really hilarious moments. I think you should say more about the mom thing. Maybe develop that as a thread throughout the story. There were a lot of punctuation issues which I’m sure you knew. They both attached their comments and I revised the paper and once the suggestions were made and changes the story had a much smoother flow and seemed to create a better image in each person mind to how they wanted a certain character to look and how the setting could have looked, and how the language was spoken between the main character and the rest of the others involved in the story. As I sat around and thought about a topic or tried to get an idea for writing a poem I looked deep inside myself to figure out what had touched my heart and soul. I thought about the one closest to my heart and it turned out to be my husband. The job he does places me in so much distress and wonderment all of the time. I get scared every time he leaves out the door wondering if he will be coming home tonight. Every time I hear the sires go off and he is not at home my heart jumps into my throat. For the first time in my life I have met a man I am completely and forever in love with. I want him to be around for many years to come. Because of all the feelings I had tucked away so he would see I had no fear I had to figure out how to tell him what I was feeling every night when he was working and I was home alone wondering what would happen next. I wanted to tell him without making him feel bad for what he does. I thin remembered the day I was working for Seaborne Challenge Corps and I had gotten home and was taking a nap before I had to go back later in the evening. I was woken up by the ringing of the telephone and on the other end was my husband telling me not to talk to the press or answer any questions from anyone who calls, and he was alright and would explain when he came home. Because my job was next to the ferry in Galveston I had to pass UTMB where there were lines of police cars down the middle of the median, on the sidewalk and anywhere they could find the room to park. I had already figured out at this point it was a shoot out. I had an idea of what had occurred, but could not get the full story until after the grand jury. I could not believe it, but for the first time in almost 17 years my husband had to pull his gun and actually shoot someone. I was scared for my husband’s life, but yet relieved to hear his voice letting me know he was ok. So I put all of my feelings onto a sheet of paper and began making them into the most descriptive I could think of to create and personal and warming and one which could fit all types of work, poem to allow him to know what goes on in my head even though he knows he is safe I don’t always know. This was the first poem read in front of the class. Being one of the first to read their poetry in front of the class was a little intimidating, but I felt because of other students being published they would offer a lot of criticisms and suggestions about how to change certain problems with the poem. I really appreciated all of the suggestions given to me from the rest of the class and how much they really assisted me in updating the poem. Some of the suggestions made were to the second line to explain about wondering if thinks he looks a mess to if he’s thinking. With just this one it gave the poem a catcher opening to other things to come. Taking out the ringing sounds in my ear and allowing room for a reference to the noises or sirens on the street gave a much better mental picture of just how a person can have their heart stop when they hear this sound and it is a loved one involved. Cutting down line 12 and making it simpler and less dragging to get to the point. Lines 15-18 needed a lot of changing around because it just did not seem to have the flow I was looking for. Once the changes were made the flow, the sound, the image were all there and made something I took to heart maybe reach others with loved ones in the same type of emergency job or any job at this point. I learned so much from this type of workshop I plan to try and use this style in my own classroom when it is my turn to teach. This will allow the students to become much more comfortable with sharing and standing in front of the class or let alone a large group of people and allowing their feelings to show through their words. Below is a current and final draft after reading it a few more times of some more changes I feel has made the poem something even more touching and expressive of my feelings for my husband. Living With A Hero Every time I watch him dress Wondering, if today will be a mess. Once he has put on all his heavy layers He gently kisses me and says “See ya later.” He turns to head out the door Walking proud and hardly any fear. A few hours pass and things are too quiet, Then, I hear the dreaded sirens on the street. Deep in my heart I hope it’s not true If he’s in trouble what can I do? The phone rings and I hear The sweet voice saying “I’m ok dear”. I hang up the phone And wait for him. As he walks in the door I grab him tight Telling him I hate it when you’re not in my sight He smiles and says “I had no real fright And because of this I’m home with you tonight”. When trying to create the perfect fiction, there is no such thing as perfect fiction. Fiction is meant to entertain people and make them think about their own lives. When deciding what I was going to write for my Fiction I knew to be as original as I could be. I did not want to write about love and sex, parents fighting, finding dead bodies, romance, so instead I thought what is one thing people criticize, but don’t really understand and it hit me like a ton of bricks. A part of my life, just exaggerated more, a lot more. Well at least in some parts. I had served in the United States Army as Military Police (MP). Not exactly the most feminine, but still the most exciting. I remember boot camp and how exhausting and never ending it had seemed. I got through it and so did the rest of the other females who decided to join with me. This is nothing like Gomer Pyle USMC at all. This is a much more intense and partial large white lie. I have changed the names and the location to protect the identities of the innocent. This was a subject which hit home because I felt it was a story to explain at least one step in everyone’s life, and that is the fear of the unknown. There is a very large world out there and it is not very easy to always find your way, but it has to be figured out one way or another. The long crazy hours of sleeping and eating were so true and the way the Drill Sergeants acted were true to a point. Maybe the descriptions were a lot exaggerated, but the yelling was not a lie. This was something maybe not everyone had ever experienced, and with the war going on over seas I wanted some people who might have had family and friends over there to see a little more comedic side of what their loved ones had to go through. This is also showing respect for my own brothers and sisters in the Military Police Corps who are risking their own lives who would want humor before death. This story shows rebellion, what happens with a lack of sleep, how an intense situation will bring other together to face the crisis. It was to have some comic relief to take off the edge of being so dramatic it would over power and loose the readers interest. I did not really feel as if I should have made any changes, but with Karen and Jennifer and Andrea in a way becoming my editors there were changes made. I did fight it, but in the long run found out the changes needed to be changed to make sense. The story is not completed by far, because there is the question about the mother, the background of the character, reasoning for such a dramatic change. This is just a scene to see if the audience is even interested in the final outcome. Just because I had completed training does not mean the character in the story had to finish nor does she? I followed the changes suggested earlier by Karen and Jennifer and made them and decided if I had kept changing what I had already written it would kind of loose my writing and turn into theirs. I wanted to try and keep the scene from becoming too elaborate and loosing focus of any kind. The way I have the last copy given to Dr. White is the way I plan on leaving it because it leaves many open opportunity to add on in the next 5-10 pages. Again the subject or the idea was mine for the choosing. Only one golden rule and it was the setting had to occur in our classroom. I thought long and hard and thought of an idea everyone could relate to. The subject matter of the play was to make it an experience most people could have had while in high school. The situation was two very popular girls wanted the quiet, keep to her self, typical good student to do all the work for the group project assigned by the teacher. The two girls felt as if their looks would get them through, but think again. This is always going on in high school and even in the college setting. I thought this would be something even the teachers could relate too also. This was a much tougher assignment because my struggle was with correct grammar or writing like a person would speak on a daily basis. I tried to combine both together, but it just caused a huge mistake. I saw this once all of my fellow classmates began acting out the play. I felt as if there was just too much drama it would loose sight of what the real reason was allowing the underdog to win. I wanted to keep it simple also for the reason if I made it more complicated, people could not keep up. Well it turns out I made it so simple it caused more problems than I had intended for it to do. Making Waves (Final Draft) Characters: Jennifer- Popular
Girl Lindsay- Best
Friend of Jennifer Alissa- Typical
good student Daniel- Supportive
Classmate Karen- Strong
opinionated classmate Bonnie- Sympathetic
Classmate Andrea- Supportive
Classmate Jamie- Supportive
Classmate Micah- Concerned
Classmate Dr. White- Teacher Concept:
Can a class see and show support against a negative action being taken upon one
of their fellow students? Theme:
Brains will always win over looks. Opening is in the
classroom at UHCL. Dr. White’s
creative writing classroom to be exact. All
of the students are sitting and waiting for Dr. White to begin class. Dr.
White: All
right, today we’re going to get into our assigned groups and work on the final
project for the semester. This
project is no different than the other ones we have done.
Are there any questions? [None
of the students have any questions.] Dr.
White: Get
into your groups. If you would
excuse me I will be right back. [Dr.
White leaves the classroom while dialing on his cell phone.] [All
of the students begin to move around the room to get into their groups.
Jennifer, Lindsay, and Alissa are in one group.
Daniel, Karen, and Bonnie are in another.
Then Jamie, Micah, and Andrea make up the last group.] Jennifer:
(Talking to Alissa) I understand you’re
really great with research right? Alissa: (Looking at Jennifer strangely) Yeah, Sure, Why? Jennifer: Well, you see Lindsay and I aren’t very interested in doing any research, so why don’t you do the research and type up our parts. Alissa: But that’s not the instructions Dr. White gave us. Lindsay: It doesn’t really matter what the instructions are. We do this in most of our classes anyway. Alissa: Well, do you think Dr. White would know if both of you did your fair share or not? [Jennifer
and Lindsay and giggle at each other in a conceded manner.] Jennifer: It doesn’t really matter. As long as you show up and make comments every once in a while and turn something in Dr. White will give you an A. Alissa: Ok, I guess it would be alright. Lindsay:
That’s what I thought.
We have other more important things to do than research. Like go to the
coffee house. Alissa: Sure whatever you say. [Dr.
White returns to the classroom with a slice of pizza and a coke.] Dr. White: Ok now we are going to go to the library to do more in-depth research on your topics. We are also going to get a lesson on how to use the computers to look up whatever you need in the library. [Everyone
begins to pack up their books. Jennifer
and Lindsay are the first ones out the door.] [Everyone
from the classroom arrives in the library minus Jennifer and Lindsay and
Andrea.] [Dr.
White goes to the poetry section to find a book to read. He also walks the
library to make sure students are doing their work.] {Daniel
approaches Alissa} Daniel: Alissa I heard what Jennifer and Lindsay were saying to you. Are you going to take it? {Karen
joins Daniel and Alissa at the table.} Karen: I so would NOT take that crap from those two. {Bonnie
joins the conversation at the table} Bonnie: I wouldn’t either. It’s just like Karen said; a load of crap. Alissa: Well, what other choice do I have? TO get a good grade the whole group has to participate. [Jamie,
Micah, and Andrea overhear the conversations and head over to the table.] Jamie: (To Karen) So, Jennifer and Lindsay are using their bully tactics again? Karen: Yep, Just like they did in Mythology. Micah: How exactly do they bully people? This is the first time I ‘ve ever had them in my class. Jamie: They find another student who works hard, is always in class and then they act all nice to their face while laughing behind their back. Then leave the good student doing all of the work. They both know it’s a group project and participation from everyone is required for the final grade. Karen: They always make up excuses why they can’t do any of the work; like we all don’t have lives filled with chaos. [While
checking on the students after finding a book to read Dr. White sees the class
grouped around Alissa and heads over to the table.] Dr. White: Is there a problem? Alissa:
Nope. No problem at all.
Dr. White: Oh yeah by the way have any of you seen Jennifer and Lindsay? Alissa: {In a somewhat shaky voice} I think they went to the bathroom. {Everyone
else sitting around just roll their eyes.} Dr. White: Just as a reminder, well I don’t have the syllabus to go over with you, but this is 40% of your final grade. Karen: Fully aware of this Dr. White, but thanks for reminding us. Daniel:
Yeah, no pressure. Bonnie: Did Dr. White say something I wasn’t paying attention. {Dr.
White sits at another table away from the students to read Poetry by Emily
Dickinson.} Micah: So is this something they do in every class? Karen: Well, so far in all of the classes I have had with them. Dr. White: Did any one by chance see Jennifer and Lindsay? [Andrea
returns from taking a break] Andrea: {In an excited voice} I went downstairs to take a break and get a drink, and there they were just laughing about Alissa doing the entire project. Just once I would love for someone to give them what they really deserve. Bonnie: A smack in the face so hard their cheeks swell up and they look like they have oranges in their mouth? Andrea: No not really. Good mental picture, but no. Daniel: There doesn’t need to be any type of physical violence for this, but I’m sure there can be something done. [Jennifer
and Lindsay enter the Library where Alissa is doing her work.
The rest of the class leave and head to other tables.] Jennifer: {Sarcastic} so, how far have we gotten? Alissa: Well, I have done all of the reading and now I am in the process of putting all the information into a chart. Lindsay: Wow! You are really serious about this whole thing aren’t you? Alissa: Well yeah and I was just wondering if we could get together the night before so we could go over all of our parts? Jennifer: Well you see I don’t think this would be possible. I have a date with Brad and I‘ve been waiting almost a full year for him to ask me out. {Aggressively} I Will Not Miss this for anything. Lindsay: I have to go and see my sick grandmother in the hospital. Alissa:
How can you see her when just two weeks ago
you said she died? [Lindsay
has a very confused look on her face.] Lindsay:
No, you’ve mixed up what I said.
She is in the hospital on her death bed. (Under her breath) yeah that’s it that’s right death bed.
Jennifer: Any other questions as you can see we are just too busy. I’ll see you one hour before class to go the information. Alissa: Ok. Whatever. Lindsay: See ya next week. Have a nice weekend. [Alissa
just stares and watches as the two leave.] [Daniel
approaches.] Daniel:
You really
need to talk to Dr. White about what they’re doing to you. Alissa: I know you’re probably right, but what if he thinks I am just saying this because I don’t like the group I’m in, and just tells me to deal with it. I don’t want to create waves. Karen:
Sometimes you need to stir things up to get
a little payback. Micah: Well if you need help here is my phone number call me whenever. Alissa: Thanks, but I don’t think I’ll need it. I’ll figure out something. [Daniel,
Karen, Bonnie, Andrea, Micah, and Jamie gather all of their things and head out
of the library.] Jamie: I can’t believe Alissa is going to sit there and take this. You know she just sits in class, hardly ever talks, does a great job on papers. She never creates any waves between anyone. She is just an all round nice person. Micah: Should we say something to Dr. White? Karen: No, this is Alyssa’s fight she will have to defend herself. [One
week has gone by and everyone is milling around in the class room waiting for
Dr. White to get the screen working for the presentations.] {Jennifer
and Lindsay approach Alissa} Jennifer:
I had the best weekend with Brad.
It was so much fun I lost track of all time. But thank goodness you were doing the project for us.
Not like you had any real plans. Lindsay: My part better not be too complicated. I can’t always understand a lot of big words. I would hate to have pull out my dictionary in class. Alissa:
{under her breath} I didn’t think she knew what a dictionary was. [Alissa
sits and waits patiently for Dr. White to call out their group.] Dr. White: Group one are you ready? {Jennifer
and Lindsay stand up and look to Alissa with their hands out.
Now remember Alissa is the one with the only copy of the report.} Jennifer: What are you waiting for? Alissa: (With a smirk on her face and sounding like she has a sore throat) I don’t think so. Jennifer: What the Hell is wrong with you? Alissa: Laryngitis. Lindsay: Here I go, need the dictionary I told you I hated having to do this. Jennifer: Lindsay for one second would you please stop being so annoying. [Dr.
White is waiting patiently for the group in the front of the class.] Dr. White: Ladies you have about one minute left. If you do not have your final presentation I will have to give all of you an F. Jennifer:
I have never gotten an F in any class when
the teacher is a man. Lindsay:
I always did the same thing as you, now
what? Jennifer:
Where are the notes and what do we say? You did this on purpose. Lindsay: I cannot take this class for a fourth time. I have to leave this place and do something. Jennifer: Don’t worry she’ll come around. There is no way Alissa is going to take an F. Dr. White: (agitated) Ladies this is serious you know have ten seconds before I fail all of you. Any questions? I guess I will see you again Lindsay? Lindsay:
{scared but yet demanding} Do something
Jennifer. Jennifer:
What can I do the stupid fool is not speaking to us,
like I’m scared. [Jennifer
and Lindsay try to find the paper, but nothing.] Dr.
White: Ok that’s it you have had
your chance and now we are moving on. Ladies
that is going to be three F’s. [Jennifer
and Lindsay fall to their chairs with a look of fear] Alissa: You see ladies you might have gotten away with it, but the early bird will always get the worm. It is not all about good looks it is about desire, but in my case it was all about the rage and making it come through to see you both fail. Have a nice summer taking the class for about the 19th time. Jennifer: This is not even close to being over. Lindsay: You were so unfair to us. I can’t afford another F. Alissa: Just always remember what comes around goes around sometimes just faster and more painful than usual. [The
class applauds as Alissa leaves the classroom.] I made this one the final draft. I felt as if it was missing a lot of smaller details for example why Dr. White was leaving the classroom, but yet there was no mention of him returning. Andrea returning from taking a break, yet she had never left. I fixed those by adding lines or changing direction of the character and what their actions were at the time. I made the language more of how we talk to each other outside when we are just taking it easy and talking about other things besides assignments for school. This drama grew into a larger mess than it originally stared. I made changes to make the conversation go a little father to allow the dialogue to flow better and give a deeper meaning to the characters and the play. The concept of the play is brains will always win over looks and the theme to the play is people can find the strength to stand up and defend their selves. I thought about using this as the theme and concept because it is totally true. People need to know when enough is enough, and to get more strength from those who are willing to help you survive. Overall Summary
I took this class because I felt if I am going
to teach high school I really need to know about poetry, fiction, and drama.
These are the key elements in English Literature.
I was scared in the beginning of the poetry section.
I did not think I had any talent for writing any type of poetry.
Then when I found out we would have to read our writings out loud in
class I became horrified. It turned out it was not at all like I had thought it was
going to be. There were many
different people in the class who had already been published and gave a lot of
good information to me about my papers. I
was ok with any suggestions they had to offer.
Any other time I would have thrown a huge fit and been very upset I did
not get the point across the first time.
The poetry made me dig deep inside myself where all of the feelings and
emotions are and bring them to the paper. This
was not an easy task because for years I could not allow my feelings and
emotions interfere with my writing. I
had to be impartial and only give the facts.
I felt refreshed from this experience because I was allowed to open up
and tell my thoughts and ideas without being judged.
Writing the fiction was fun I had an
opportunity to write about something I had first hand knowledge of.
I was able to change the whole story around and make it as outrageous as
I needed to for some laughs and for some people to be left wondering.
This was my full intention with the fiction.
I plan on adding to it further and giving more details about the
character, but not just yet. I feel
as if the way I have left the scene I have a lot more to work with.
I have more opportunity for changes in the future.
This part was so hard in one sense though because I actually got writers
block and could not really think of other areas to hit on, but once the workshop
through e-mails to others was completed it helped out tremendously. I could see
others point of view and took their suggestions and added to the story or even
took some out.
The drama hit really close to home because I was actually the girl who
did the projects for the really popular cheerleading type and never said a word
or even did anything about it at all. The
play was in a way my release of what I should have said or what I wish I could
have done at the time. The subject
matter is very important because I wanted people to know it is not all about
good looks it is about the knowledge you retain and carry with you and the
knowledge you retain from others and their thoughts and ideas.
I feel as if I am a stronger person because of this class.
I am much more comfortable with writing then I have ever been before.
I have learned there are people out there who will not like the work you
have created, but if you allow them the opportunity to read it thoroughly they
will find something to suggest, and maybe the suggestion was nothing you had
ever thought about before. The
suggestion received from the other students was very motivating to me.
It made me a much stronger person and writer than I had ever thought I
could be.
My plans for the future are to take the poems,
fiction, and drama to use as examples for my future classroom.
I want the students in my classroom to know you do not have to be the
smartest kid in school to write. All
it takes is heart, soul, a lot of patients, many mistakes, but most of all many
This class taught me about myself that I have the passion and the drive
and I can take criticism a lot easier than I had ever imagined.
With these newly found skills I will be able to give myself some leeway
when writing papers for other classes.