LITR 3731: Creative Writing
Student Poetry Submissions

Robert Andresakis, Four Poems including "Color of Life"

Jessica Bacon, "Bottoms Up"

Sara Brito, "Who Loves Ya Baby?"

Enrique Canales, "Experimental."

Dominique Corpus, "Reluctant First Kiss" (original & revised versions)

Jennifer M. Davis, "Stained Glass, Crucified" and 3 other poems 

Dawn Dobson, "Migration," "Hawaiian New Moon," + "Collision" (Final version + original draft + email exchange)

Laurie Eckhart, Poetry Portfolio including "Technological Conscience," an earlier version, other poems, and revision notes.

Tamrynn Fett, "I am Purple" with 2 other poems

Will Frith, "conflict for color" + draft of journal account

Giselle Hewitt, Three versions of "To Burn" + three other poems

Jason Honeycutt, "Ninth-Grade Hallway" & "Entropy"

Travis Kelly, "Dichophony" plus journal draft & email draft exchange

Reani King, Four poems including "Race" & "Freedom"

Corrie Lawrence, "Sister's Sinew (Jacob's Thigh)"

Christine Levige, "My Blessing of a Surprise"

Liz Little, "Loose Words": Revised submission with notes & original submission

Brandie B. Minchew, "Comet" & "Siren"

David Moore, "Fictitious Realities"

Laquita Rhone, "Dream Deferred" + email draft exchange

Robin Stone, Five Poems, including "The Little Traveler" and one original poem revised

Kelly Williams, "Waltz for Technology"